I Dream of WordPress

Last night was pretty restless for me. I must have restless body syndrome though because I woke up with no problem (except for the usual one of setting my alarm later and later, but that is besides the point entirely) but according to my roommate, I mumbled for a lot of the night in my sleep. Obviously it didn’t bother me, but I do feel bad because it must have been distracting as she was trying to get to sleep.

One of the only intelligible phrases she heard me say was Freshly Pressed.

That’s right, I even dream about WordPress now. It’s not enough that it sucks on my soul all day, siphoning all of my free time under the guise of my favorite hobby… but now it’s infiltrated my dreams as well.

I suppose if anything must infiltrate my dreams, WordPress is probably the thing I mind the least. The only thing that would be better would be a book that I really like or maybe Pokémon, which is now on Netflix (Squirtle Squad anyone?).

Wow, that was quite the side bar. I hope tonight I dream of getting an internship, or of getting recognized somehow for my odd poetry.

Goodnight my friends, sleep well and odd dreams to you all.

3 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. kissmybunnybutt
    Apr 29, 2014 @ 18:31:36

    I both walk AND talk in my sleep. Luckily my bedroom is on the first level. 🙂


    • notavogon
      Apr 29, 2014 @ 18:33:24

      I used to sleepwalk, but thankfully I don’t anymore, because I am far too clumsy for that to be ok! My roommate once woke up with chocolate smeared all over her face… She sleep eats, so I guess I should be glad that I don’t do that at least, haha


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